Poetry stone for Wetsus – WaterCampus

The city of Leeuwarden features a poetry route, consisting of large stone plaques, with poetry carved in it. On September 17, Wetsus, at the WaterCampus, also got a stone. The stone is presented by gemeente Leeuwarden and Stichting Poëzietableaus. The text, derived from the famous Chinese philosopher Laozi, was selected by Wetsus colleagues Elmar Fuchs and Adam Wexler.

Onthulling poezie tableauNothing under heaven is softer or more yielding than water;
but when it attacks things hard and resistant
there is not one of them that can withstand.
Because of what it is not, water prevails.
There is nothing that can compare.
(Laozi, Tao Te Ching)

Photo: Wetsus