Every other year, Water Alliance challenges innovative entrepreneurs within the water technology sector, to present their most innovative product for the prestigious Water Alliance Innovation Stimulation Award. Taking part means being in the spotlights for several weeks – but there is much more in store for the winner: a marketing support package worth no less than 10,000 euros. Winning the award can be considered a kickstart for growth.
The audience will have the opportunity to vote for their top five from August and the WIS candidates will pitch their innovation during the Semi Final in October 2020. During the Grand Finale later this day, the chosen top five will present their innovation to the renowed jury and answer their critical questions. Once the jury’s voting window has closed, the WIS Award 2020 winner will be chosen and takes home the iconic prize.
Keep your eyes peeled, because the voting will be opened soon!
Check out the special WIS Awards page, click here.